The winter season is here. Be sure to attend our meetings and get acquainted with other members and learn about any upcoming changes to trails or events.
Regularly scheduled meetings of The Club when held will be on the 2nd Saturday of the month 6 pm
The meetings will be held at the Club House in Strongs or may be held at various locations in our area and will be announced.
11272 S Strongs Rd, Eckerman, MI 49728, USA
Regular meetings start at 6:00 P.M.
To call a meeting to order, there must be a total of five qualified voting members including two Executive Committee Members.
Only members in good standing are entitled to vote.
If an occasion arises that cannot wait until the next regularly scheduled meeting, the President can call an Executive Committee Meeting.
With the exception of Article 6, Section 6, all decisions at an Executive Committee Meeting are binding unless overridden by a two –
thirds vote at the next regularly scheduled meeting. All Executive Committee Meeting decisions will be made available at the next regularly
scheduled meeting.
The Board of Directors will meet at least annually
Address: 11272 S Strongs Rd, Eckerman, MI 49728, USA
Phone: 906-274-5566