Arctic Cat is a North American manufacturer of snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles. The company was formed in 1960 and was originally based in Thief River Falls, Minnesota. The company designs, engineers, manufactures and markets all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, as well as related parts, garments and accessories. Its common stock is traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the ticker symbol “ACAT”.
Snowmobiles are about allowing riders to do anything
and go anywhere they want because of their Polaris sleds. We
get them on the Best Sleds built by the Best Team and deliver
the Best Experience. We design Polaris Snowmobiles with four
key design philosophies in mind: Rider-First, Confident Control,
Quick & Responsive, Proven Quality & Reliability.
Ski-Doo is a brand name of snowmobile manufactured by Bombardier Recreational Products. The Ski-Doo personal snowmobile brand is so iconic, especially in Canada, that it was listed in 17th place on the CBC’s The Greatest Canadian Invention list in 2007.
Yamaha Motor Company Limited is a Japanese manufacturer of motorcycles, marine products such as boats and outboard motors, and other motorized products. The company was established in 1955 upon separation from Yamaha Corporation, and is headquartered in Iwata, Shizuoka, Japan. The company conducts development, production and marketing operations through 109 consolidated subsidiaries as of 2012.
The Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations (CCSO) – Conseil Canadien des Organismes de la Motoneige (CCOM) is a volunteer-led, not-for-profit national organization which through strong leadership provides support to our members and provides the unified voice of organized snowmobiling at the national and international levels. The CCSO-CCOM envisions that across Canada, organized snowmobile trail networks and riding areas provide a lasting legacy of responsible riding experiences that are highly valued, safe, enjoyable, sustainable and environmentally friendly.
The American Council of Snowmobile Associations (ACSA) is a national organization that was formed to unite the snowmobile community. Because snowmobiling is enjoyed by millions of individuals across the United States, it was imperative that a strong national organization be formed. ACSA is that organization.
ACSA is your voice for snowmobiling on national issues. Many snowmobilers are mistaken when they think national issues have no impact on their snowmobiling. Across the United States there are thousands and thousands of miles of snowmobile trails on public and private lands. Will these lands remain open for snowmobiling in the future? Long term use of the lands is no longer certain. Only the unified voice of the entire snowmobile community will help to guarantee the continuation of our sport.
ACSA is committed to the future preservation of our sport. We cannot do this without the help and participation of all snowmobilers. Assure the future of snowmobiling, become involved in ACSA today!